Nishmat's Women’s Health and HalachaIn memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham

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Appropriate Dress

During niddah, a man is not permitted to gaze at the parts of his wife's body that are generally covered. Therefore, a woman who is niddah should dress modestly in her husband's presence.

There is a range of halachic opinions regarding the degree of modesty required. We follow the position that a woman should maintain the standard of dress that she would apply at home in the presence of other household members.

A woman who sometimes uncovers her hair at home may do so in her husband's presence while niddah.

A woman should continue to dress nicely during niddah, so that she feels good about herself and the couple continue to find each other attractive.

At the time of the Beit HaMikdash, when the laws of ritual purity were practiced, women wore special clothes while they were niddah to alert others of their status. Although this is no longer required, some couples continue the practice as a subtle reminder to each other of niddah status. (For example, a woman might wear a certain piece of jewelry specifically during niddah).

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