Mazal tov on the recent birth of your baby!
Although spermicide is not a very effective method of birth control, if you are fully breastfeeding and have not yet resumed menstruating, you are somewhat naturally protected during the first six months after birth. Therefore, combined with spermicide, this is a reasonable level of protection. Please speak to your doctor as to whether this is sufficient for your situation post-c-section.
Vaginal Contraceptive Film (VCF), which is one of the most effective types of spermicide, is increasingly available in Israel. A list of pharmacies that carry VCF can be found at
If your doctor feels you need a greater level of protection, and you are not interested in either pills or an IUD, you can speak to your doctor about using a diaphragm together with spermicide.
Please feel free to get back to us with any further questions.