We’re sorry to hear you’ve been bleeding so frequently. Irregular bleeding is not uncommon in women in their mid-forties and fifties. If your bleeding is actually staining, it may not in fact make you a niddah. Please see our article on ketamim for further information. If it is in fact enough to make you niddah, hormonal intervention can often be used to ameliorate the situation.
Your halachic concerns should be known to your gynecologist, so that she can help you address them. You may wish to refer her to the section of our website designed for medical professionals, Jewish Women’s Health. You may also print out the articles for her to read. If, after understanding the importance of hilchot niddah for your quality of life, your physician is unable or unwilling to help you, you should consider asking another physician with experience in such hormonal manipulation.
We are not familiar with any herbal remedies. Your rav should not mind if you ask him again for the name.