We are saddened to hear of your miscarriage.
We follow the view that, if your pregnancy was medically confirmed (e.g., you had a positive pregnancy test), your miscarriage interrupts your veset calculations. Therefore, you will not observe any onot perishah until after your next period. After your first menstrual period, you will observe onah beinonit and yom hachodesh. After your second menstrual period, you will begin to observe the haflagah as well.
If your pregnancy was not medically confirmed, then the bleeding that began on 27 Shvat is treated halachically as a menstrual period, including for the purpose of calculating vesatot. In that case, you have a haflagah of forty-two days (to be observed 8 Adar Bet). Your other onot fall out Monday and Tuesday of next week (26 and 27 Adar Aleph).