Mazal tov on the recent birth of your baby!
While some women are amenorrheic for a number of months while breastfeeding, many women will resume menstruation postpartum despite fully breastfeeding. As frustrating as your situation may feel, it is normal and common.
Aside from using hormonal contraception, we are not aware of any conventional method to avoid getting your period at this stage. Some women find help with complementary medicine. You can explore this and then discuss the options with your physician.
As you may know, ovulation usually takes place 12-16 days before the next period and ovulation tests often show positive the day before before ovulation, so you may fit into the typical window. Even if you don’t, it is possible that your hormones are simply still a bit unsettled after birth and while breastfeeding.
We suggest that you speak with your doctor about your concerns, keeping in mind that your cycle may change as your body settles back to its normal hormonal level.
Please feel free to get back to us with any further questions.
This response was updated on 17 November, 2020.