A necessary step in pursuing one's contraceptive options is to consult with a physician. Your physician can lay out for you which options would be recommended, based on your medical history and the level of efficacy you require.
When you have the necessary medical information, you need to ask a halachic question of your rabbi to determine which methods are permissible for you. Generally speaking in halacha, hormonal contraceptives are preferred, followed by the IUD (which would not be appropriate for only a few months), and then, in some cases, the diaphragm. Spermicide is also a permissible option, but is less reliable. Whether or not a woman may avail herself of a less preferred contraceptive depends very heavily on the medical exigencies of her situation.
Many women successfully use oral hormonal contraceptives (the pill) for only a few months, and are able to conceive immediately after cessation of the pill.