Nishmat's Women’s Health and HalachaIn memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham

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Adjusting cycle with Primolut Nor

15 April, 2018


My daughter is getting married in three months and has pretty regular periods. The wedding date is about 3-4 days after the date when she would anticipate a period if she does not take any hormones. So obviously she needs to go that course.

We are considering one of two options. One is to take Primolut nor for the next two months and push off her period a number of days each time so that by the time the wedding comes, the wedding date will be day 20–22 of her cycle and therefore should be a safe date. This would mean not taking primolutNor right before the wedding, rather making cyclical changes the months before. Advantage being avoiding any breakthrough bleeding possibly caused by primolutNor during 7 nekiim, disadvantage – taking a chance of randomly getting a period on day 22 or other bleeding.

The other school of thought is to have the wedding come out on day 26 or so of the cycle and take Primolut nor leading up to the wedding, and through the wedding until the marriage is consummated. The advantage would be having a period coincide with dam betulim. Additionally, this would provide protection against menstruation or mid cycle bleeding.

My daughter's main concern is avoiding a chuppat nidah. Taking into account the obvious, that we are not in total control and sometimes the unexpected occurs, which method would seem preferable?


Mazal tov!

The latter is the more typical course to take, because using Primolut Nor only over a short period of time to make a small change is more predictable and reliable.

Please consult your daughter's physician before finalizing a plan.

We also highly recommend that your daughter review the laws of stains (as by reading our articles on stains and toilet paper) and take appropriate precautions to avoid becoming niddah unnecessarily.

Please remember, however, that there are no guarantees. Chupat niddah, while not ideal, can be dealt with sensitively and positively.

Your daughter should feel free to be back in touch with us directly with any further questions.

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