If we understand correctly, you have now been niddah for over a month. If you are able to get a clean hefsek taharah, you may reduce the bedikot of the seven clean days to one on the first day, one on the seventh day, and one more on one of the days in between. You should change your white underwear frequently to prevent small spots from accumulating to the size of a k’gris (the area of a US dime or Israeli shekel coin). If stains on underwear are preventing you from completing the clean days, please get back to us or to your local rabbi about possible alternatives.
When you go to your ultrasound appointment, you should explain to your physician that the prolonged spotting has very significant halachic implications for you and your husband. Ask if he or she has any suggestions for reducing bleeding, such as possibly taking ibuprofen or bioflavanoids (1000mg, thrice a day). You may refer your physician to the section of our website designed for healthcare professionals, Jewish Women’s Health.
Once you have gotten to mikveh, be sure to follow the precautions outlined in our articles on Stains and Toilet Paper to avoid becoming niddah unnecessarily from staining.
Please feel free to get back to us with any further questions.