I was wondering if you could advise me. I am having some problems doing bedikot. Every month at least 2 or 3 bedikot come out with pink on them. So far I sent every one of them to a Rav and was told they were fine. Most of the time by the time I send them (the next morning) the pink is either gone or much lighter. The Rav told me that if I keep getting the same thing and feel comfortable to say it is the same thing then I dont have to show it and I can continue on with my counting. The problem is that I dont feel comfortable deciding on my own and it has become a pain in the neck to keep sending the cloths to the Rav and waiting for his answer all the while keeping 2 counts. The cloth comes out with a bright pink on it that then changes to a much fainter color. At the time that is comes out I am almost sure there is a problem but then it fades. I almost feel like I dont want to do the required bedikot because it causes me so many problems which in the end aren't even a problem at all. Please advise me.
Often, a bedikah that is ruled acceptable will start off with a pinkish tinge when wet. Incandescent lights often add a pink tint to stains. Rabbis are trained in taking this effect into account. Additionally – although a woman's assertion that a cloth was originally a niddah color is believed by her rabbi – if she is not absolutely positive, the practice is to disregard her comment in favor of what is before his eyes. Therefore, we think that in most cases you should feel comfortable relying on your rabbi's statement that the same color need not be shown again.
If you are still concerned, we suggest that you should meet with the rabbi who has been evaluating your cloths and explain your concerns. He may suggest reducing the number of bedikot, and should be able to help you find a way to proceed with which you will be more comfortable.