Mazal tov!
Most women ovulate once per cycle, and the egg typically remains viable for twenty-four hours. Sperm remains viable for up to three days. Thus, relations anywhere from about three days before ovulation to a day afterwards could result in conception.
Ovulation predictor test sticks test for a rise in a hormone called LH. This hormone level rises 12-24 hours before ovulation and then goes back down. Therefore, it is normal for a negative test result to follow a positive one. When using the kits, there is no reason to continue to test in a given cycle after you’ve tested positive.
Your test results would be consistent with your having ovulated on or around mikveh night. In your case, relations on mikveh night or on the next night might have resulted in conception. However, even when relations are timed correctly, only about 20-25% of cycles result in a pregnancy.
It is common practice for women under age 35 to wait for one year of relations without contraception to take place before seeking fertility evaluation. Women age 35 and up or with a specific cause for concern typically consult with a physician after six months of trying to conceive.
Please get back to us and your physician with any more questions.
Updated August 2020.