A hargashah is a sensation that accompanies or immediately precedes the onset of uterine bleeding. A sensation that occurs well before uterine bleeding starts is not halachically considered hargashah, and does not affect niddah status when bleeding begins.
An internal sensation of liquid flowing within the vaginal canal could potentially be considered a hargashah. However, a more external sensation of liquid exiting the vagina or of external dampness such as you describe is generally not considered a hargashah. Vaginal secretions tend to be most pronounced around the time of ovulation as you describe. They are usually clear, and sometimes a little white or yellow. This is normal and does not make a woman niddah.
Early halachic sources describe hargashah as the feeling of the uterus opening to expel the blood or a feeling of the whole body shaking just prior to a flow. In our experience in answering questions, both of these sensations are uncommon.
For a more detailed discussion, please see our article on hargashah.
Please write back with any further questions!
This Q&A was updated on 8 August, 2022.