Faint orange specks
16 October, 2008
Today is the fourth of my seven clean days and i just performed this morning's bedikah. When I did it I saw a speck that was questionable and so, even though I know I shouldn't, as a reflex i did a second bedikah. I found the same on each as follows: In the center of the bedikah it was clean, but wet from my usual discharge. Outside that area, where the cloth did not go inside me as deeply, was a tiny speck that appeared red to me. I am not home and so did this in unfamiliar lighting. The lighting where I looked initially is pretty orange so it occurred to me I should take it in to some indirect sunlight. That was about an hour ago so the spots have dried. One now is almost completely unnoticeable because it is so light but i guess might be called a barely there spot that is between orange and reddish brown. The other speck is still there but is also very faint and between a faint red and orange color. Does how or where on the bedikah cloth these spots were affect their status or do I need to show them to a rav? I also just started using the nuvaring a few days ago and don't know if that is relevant to this question.
Thank you so much for your help.
Answer:All orange or reddish stains found on a bedikah need to be evaluated by an halachic authority. You can explain to him the colors and location of the stains, as well as the lighting conditions when you first found them; however, he will evaluate the stain based on its current state.
Stains found anywhere on the area of the cloth that was inserted into the vagina can be problematic. Stains that are on an area of the cloth that may not even have entered the vagina but became stained from the rectal area can be attributed to an outside source and would not render you niddah. If you suspect that the stains are from a vaginal wound or irritation, you may only attribute such staining if you are certain that that is the source of the stain (either by visual inspection by a doctor or bodeket taharah, or if you find stains only in a spot that is painful to touch).
In the meantime, you should have in mind that if this morning's bedikot were ok, then you are continuing your original count, but if they were not ok, then your afternoon bedikah counts as a new hefsek, and the next day will be day one of your new count of shivah neki'im.
Please feel free to get back to us with any further questions.
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