Even if you did get pregnant from intercourse on an onat prishah, there are no halachic ramifications. While relations are forbidden on the onah, you are not actually a niddah until the bleeding begins, so the child would not have been conceived as a result of relations during niddah.
Furthermore, it is unlikely that you got pregnant on the 27th day of your cycle. A woman can get pregnant only around the time she ovulates, which is generally 10- 14 days before the next period. Since you are nearing the end of your cycle, it is most likely that you ovulated a while ago and cannot get pregnant at this point.
You should make efforts that this does not happen again – either mark your calendar and leave it in a conspicuous place for you and your husband to see, or even program a reminder on your cell phone if necessary.
Please feel free to get back to us with any further questions.