Thank you for the kind words and mazal tov on the birth of your baby!
Recent studies have suggested that there is a slightly greater risk for uterine rupture with VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) within eighteen months of the last childbirth. But there is no absolute medical advice against attempting a VBAC before eighteen months have elapsed, uterine rupture is rare, and such VBAC's are often successful. This matter is best raised with your physician. Halacha would respect the medical consensus on this issue.
If you do decide that you would like to continue contraception for another four (or more) months, you may wish to investigate the diaphragm as a possible alternative to the pill. We discuss the diaphragm from a halachic perspective on our site, under "Family Planning". This question too should be brought to your physician.
Please get back to us with any further questions.