These methods of enhancing conception are medically unproven.
Inserting a menstrual cup after relations have been completed normally would be halachically permissible, as long as there is no medical contraindication. For safety reasons, the menstrual cup must be removed within 12 hours.
Even a drop of blood found on something inserted internally can make a woman niddah. Therefore, if a woman uses a menstrual cup when she is tehorah, we recommend that she rinse it without looking right after removal.
Because the halacha of hotza’at zera levatalah (spilling of seed) is very strict, using a menstrual cup to capture semen in the midst of relations is prohibited.
In cases where a couple suspect that they need help conceiving, there are many possible paths to pursue. We encourage couples in this situation to consult a Yoetzet Halacha Fertility Counselor (details here) and health care provider for guidance before deciding on a course of action.
This response was updated on 3 May, 2021.