We appreciate the sensitive nature of this question. We hope the following suggestions can be helpful to you as you and your husband navigate these fertility challenges.
The first step is to try to get to mikveh sooner. Once the bleeding is no longer bright red, you can attempt to perform a hefsek taharah. Any stained bedikot should be brought to a halachic authority for evaluation, since there are many acceptable shades of brown. The halachic authority should be aware that you are currently ovulating before mikveh.
If you are already immersing as soon as possible and you are still ovulating before mikveh, you may wish to revisit the possibility of using Clomid and investigate other estrogen options that may have fewer side effects. In some cases, intrauterine insemination may be a solution, since it can be done during the clean days if necessary. It is also important to investigate other factors that may be affecting your ability to conceive.
You might also consider exploring treatment options with a complementary medicine practitioner.
For more information on all of these topics, please see our site’s article on ovulating before immersion.
Further support during this process is available from Yoatzot Halacha Fertililty Counselors, who offer free consultations for women and couples experiencing fertility challenges. Click here to set up a meeting.
Please feel free to get back to us with any further questions.
We wish you much hatzlacha!
This response was updated on 22 November, 2020.