Stains found on toilet paper may be disregarded as long as at least a few seconds elapsed after urinating before wiping.
Only if you are certain that you wiped immediately after urinating, and the stain was clearly reddish, would your clean days be interrupted. The bedikah from the following day would count as your new hefsek taharah, and the day after that would be your new day 1.
It is common for a woman’s periods to change after giving birth. It is possible that with time your periods may revert to what was normal for you before you had your baby. It is also possible that you may be able to get an acceptable hefsek taharah on the 5th day, even if you are still experiencing some residual staining. You should clean yourself out well to get rid of any old blood (soaking in a warm bath may help). If the hefsek or any subsequent bedikot are stained, you can bring them to a halachic authority for evaluation, since there are many shades of brown that are acceptable.
Plese feel free to get back to us with any further questions.
This response was updated 12 February, 2024.