Nishmat's Women’s Health and HalachaIn memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham

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Contraception four months postpartum

23 November, 2014


My husband and I seem to be in something of a rut regarding birth control. Perhaps you can advise us.

We have been married for about a year and a half. A little over 4 months ago, our daughter was born. I had hoped to rely on (exclusive) nursing as a method of birth control for 6–12 months until we are ready for another pregnancy. However, I got my period a few weeks ago and I understand that means that I can no longer rely on nursing. I have been to the mikveh already, but we have not had sex because I am not on any form of birth control.

Barrier methods, to the best of my limited knowledge, are out of the question for three reasons. A. They pose halachik difficulties, B. I am scared of inserting anything into my vagina (doing bedikot is bad enough), and C. I am liable to place them improperly.

Combined hormonal methods are problematic for nursing mothers.

Progestin–only hormonal methods remain. My doctor proscribed the POP to me, but I have so far avoided taking it. I am concerned about the side effects such as feeling unwell, weight gain (I am already overweight), and more bleeding than usual. Apparently all of these are very common, and any of them on a consistent basis seems too high a price to pay for occasional sex. Do all progestin–only contraceptives have such side effects? Do we have any options (which will not cause me to suffer) other than abstinence for the next several months? What do you think we should do?


Mazal tov on the recent birth of your baby!

The posek of this site, Rav Yehuda Henkin, does allow use of a diaphragm, and even prefers it over progesterone-only pills for breastfeeding mothers if the pills are causing staining issues. However, given your hesitance about inserting items into the vagina, we think you should look into hormonal options.

While many women experience various side effects from progesterone-only pills, not all women do. It is impossible to know in advance how you will react to the pills. Some women who experience side effects with one form of the minipill can try out other formulations to see how their body reacts. Common side effects include irregular staining, mood swings, changes in libido and weight gain. We suggest you give this option a chance. It is possible that you may only experience mild side effects or none at all. Even if you do experience some unpleasant side effects, it still is preferable over abstaining for the next 6 months. 

A final option to consider is using regular combined hormonal birth control (either pills, nuvaring, or the patch). These methods are safe for breastfeeding mothers and their babies, but they may decrease your milk supply. Once your milk supply is well established (as it should be by four months) this will be less of an issue. Generally, it is possible to make up for any decrease by increasing the length and frequency of feedings. If not, should there be a reduction, addition of some solid food would also be possible. (While the recommendation is to generally wait until 6 months, the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition does allow for introduction as early as 17 weeks if needed.) Therefore, you can consider trying combination pills at this point, or start out with the progesterone-only pill, and switch to the combined pill later on if you have difficulties with the progesterone-only pill.

We suggest you discuss all your available options with your doctor. 

Please feel free to get back to us with any further questions.


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