It is common to experience irregular staining during the first 1-3 months as your body adjusts to the IUD. If you have a hormonal IUD, such as Mirena, the staining can last for as long as 6 months.
However, not all staining will render you niddah. As long as you do not experience an actual flow of blood, you may take precautions against becoming niddah from the the staining. For example, we recommend wearing colored underwear or disposable pantyliners and waiting a few seconds (ideally 15 seconds) after urinating before wiping. Please see our pages on stains and toilet paper for more details.
While some women find it difficult to distinguish between heavy staining (which may not render them niddah) and a light flow (which will), one way to differentiate is that if you need to use a tampon or a pad to contain the bleeding (as opposed to a light pantyliner), you can assume you are experiencing a flow. Lighter than that would be staining, even if it occurs daily.
You can discuss your options with your doctor – whether waiting it out another month or so to see if the staining will subside, trying to temporarily take the pill in addition to the IUD to help minimize staining, possibly taking ibuprofen for a few days in a row to minimize staining, or, if the staining is really getting too much for you to handle, possibly having the IUD removed.
Please feel free to get back to us with any further questions.
This response has been updated to reflect the rulings of our current Rabbinic Supervisor, Rav Kenneth Auman, regarding waiting before wiping.