Nishmat's Women’s Health and HalachaIn memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham

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Heavy staining during pregnancy

25 July, 2016


Hi, I recently had some heavy staining. I think it is proper to classify it as heavy staining and not as a light flow, but I'm not sure. I read on the site that one of the ways to differentiate is that a panty liner is sufficient, and there is no need for a pad.

But I am still unsure, because the panty liner was fairly full, although not saturated. I changed it, and the blood that came onto the second one was a very small amount, and even if I'd kept the same one, it would have been able to hold the staining. I am also unsure if this is less than my lightest day of my period (near the end of my period). I never wear a pantyliner during my period, only a pad or tampon, so it is hard for me to say.

Perhaps more importantly, I'm also unsure if I had a hargasha. I felt wetness, and I am fairly certain but not 100% sure that what I felt was external wetness and not a flow inside. I felt this a couple times, and thought nothing of it, and when I went to the bathroom I was surprised that there was a fair amount of staining on my pantyliner.

I don't know it it would be relevant but I am pregnant, the bleeding is from a friable cervix, this has not been verified visually (so I know I would not be able to halachically blame the bleeding on the cervix) by a doctor because I had the exact same thing the last pregnancy and I don't want to be examined, as last time this caused a large increase in bleeding. My husband is a doctor and agrees according to my symptoms that it is a friable cervix causing the bleeding.

Thank you so much for your help.


It can be difficult to differentiate between heavy staining and a light flow.  We follow the opinion that the sensation of external wetness is not considered a hargashah. (How the hargashot described in halachic literature really feel is hard to pinpoint.)  In this case, given that it did not fully soak the liner and given that there is a significant possibility that it is from a friable cervix, you are not considered niddah.

Although we understand your reluctance to see your physician, bleeding such as you describe during pregnancy should always at least be discussed with one's healthcare provider.

BeSha'ah tovah!

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