Nishmat's Women’s Health and HalachaIn memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham

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Landing in Israel at midnight mikveh night

27 December, 2016


I had a d&c on Wednesday this week following an early miscarriage (but more than 40 days since my last mikva). This means, I believe, that the earliest I can be tovel would be after 14 days, on a Tuesday night. I am flying to Israel that Monday and will be landing at midnight Tuesday due to a stopover. If it would be at all possible for me not to have to push off an additional day to get that hug from my husband, I would be so appreciative! I really do not have extensive resources in Israel and was wondering if you might be able to guide me in the right direction concerning finding a mikva that I can visit very late at night/early in the morning. Is there one near the airport perhaps in Bnei Brak that accommodates late night flight times? My final destination is Jerusalem. Is there a mikva available there where I can maybe just pick up a key or get a combination # and use my friend to watch me immerse so I don't have to bother the mikva lady at a crazy hour? Any other ideas or advice? Thank you so very much!


We are sorry to hear of your miscarriage.  

Based on your description, it is most likely that your earliest date for mikveh is the the Tuesday night 14 days after the D&C.  However, to be certain that that is the case, please get back to us to describe (and date) any bleeding you had prior to the D&C.

An international flight meant to arrive only at midnight will likely not get you out of the airport before 1:00 am.  An early morning immersion, to be considered halachic night, would have to be before 5:00 am.  Even were a mikveh to be willing to open at some point between those hours, we don't know of a way to get the key.  In this case, for practical reasons, it seems that you will have to wait until the following night.

You should be aware that the duration of bleeding following a miscarriage varies; in some cases it continues for a number of weeks. Thus, in practice, it is not always possible to immerse 14 days after a miscarriage.

Please write back with any further questions.

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