You are not the first woman to report mikveh-day stress. Any stressors that could lead you to rush preparations are not only an emotional concern. Halachically, it is important that mikveh preparations be unhurried.
We suggest you take advantage of the week’s lead-time prior to immersion. Practically, both you and your husband should review and coordinate your schedules for mikveh day and night well in advance. Then you can make adjustments to relieve stress and provide ample time for preparations and for each other. Such adjustments might include hiring a babysitter, one or both of you leaving work early, or even making sure to get a good night’s sleep the night before. Perhaps some of the preparations, such as hair removal or cutting nails, can be done ahead of time, either in the morning or the day before. It helps to assemble a bag of the items you use at the mikveh (money included), so that you do not have to pack anew each month. Emotionally, the more attentive you and your spouse are to each other in the days prior to mikveh, the better you will be able to weather any stresses en route.