Staining at ovulation
16 November, 2004
Question:My husband and I have been trying to conceive for two years. This month, when I was on day 33 of my cycle, I began spotting, but very lightly. This lasted a day and a half. I assumed when I saw the first sign on the toilet paper that it was the beginning of my period and my husband and I stopped having relations. After I saw it was only a light spotting, I called my doctor. I went in for an appointment and after taking my blood and checking my hormone levels, it turned out that the spotting was actually a sign of my ovulating. I did some research online and found that many women spot when they ovulate. Given that we keep taharat hamishpacha, what should I do? The only chance for me to finally get pregnant is when I ovulate, but if I spot when I ovulate, does this mean I am unable to be with my husband? Does ovulation spotting make me a niddah? Thanks so much for your help.
Answer:We are sorry to hear of your difficulty conceiving.
It is fairly common for women to experience spotting when estrogen levels dip slightly before ovulation. This spotting does not necessarily make a woman niddah. A careful review of the laws of stains can help you to take precautions so that it does not. Please see here and here to learn more.
Relations are permitted when a woman has spotting that does not make her niddah. We often recommend abstaining for a day or so as a precaution against a flow beginning during relations, but that is a recommendation, not a halachic requirement, and would not apply in this type of case.
Being aware of the timing of ovulation can help you conceive. Please see our article on fertility awareness for more information. We also recommend initiating a fertility work up with your physician at this stage, on the chance that something else is interfering with conception.
Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. You might also find it helpful to arrange a free consultation with a Yoetzet Halacha Fertility Counselor, details here.
This response was updated on 25 August, 2021.
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