Nishmat's Women’s Health and HalachaIn memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham

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Corona: Rescheduled Weddings

21 January, 2021


I’m a kallah teacher and after having two kallot switch their wedding dates last minute am looking for some guidance.


If you’d like to share the specifics of your two kallot, please do, and we’ll be happy to help.

In the meanwhile, for the duration of the pandemic, kallot need to keep in mind the possibility that their wedding date might change. That will help provide flexibility in facing any changes.

When a wedding date needs to be moved, the couple should still try for a time at which the kallah will not be niddah. At the same time, sometimes a wedding during niddah (chuppat niddah) is unavoidable. Please reinforce to the couple that, though it can be challenging, a chuppat niddah is still a joyous occasion and usually preferable to a longer delay. (See more about chuppat niddah here.)

If the wedding must be moved up to a time before the kallah had been planning to immerse, she should seek immediate halachic guidance to see if she can move up her immersion as well.

When the date needs to be delayed, she should also seek guidance about whether she should then delay the process of becoming tehorah. There should ideally be no more than four days between immersion and the wedding. If the process is already underway and the rescheduled wedding will now be within the same cycle but more than four days after immersion, she should also consult a halachic authority about the bedikot required from that point on.

The position of our site’s rabbinic supervisor, Rav Kenneth Auman, is as follows: Given the extenuating circumstances, a kallah in these cases should perform at least one proper bedikah every seven days (i.e., making sure that not more than six full days elapse between bedikot). If she has staining and is concerned that performing a bedikah after she has been to mikveh will make her niddah, she should ask a specific halachic question.

A kallah who is using hormones to avoid a chuppat niddah should discuss with her healthcare provider how to adjust her pill schedule if the wedding date changes.

In some communities, it is customary for female friends and relatives to accompany the kallah to the mikveh and celebrate with her there. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, such a celebration would pose a risk to the health of the kallah and those closest to her, as well as to other women at the mikveh. It may be possible to arrange a virtual online gathering after the immersion to help make up, in part, for the special women’s fellowship of a kallah’s first mikveh immersion.

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Tizki lemitzvot!

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