Nishmat's Women’s Health and HalachaIn memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham

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How Having A Yoetzet Halacha Makes For Comfortable Q&A

By Lisa Septimus

The 5 Towns Jewish Times | July 4, 2018  

About a year ago my friend was on the Long Island Railroad sitting behind a group of five young religious women who were talking and she heard one of them complain that she doesn’t have anyone that she feels comfortable asking her niddah questions to. Others expressed their agreement, and one woman expressed frustration that the community doesn’t have a yoetzet halacha. Another woman chimed in: “Maybe I should study and become one?” At this point my friend, though somewhat embarrassed to admit to eavesdropping on their conversation, said: “Excuse me but the Five Towns does have a yoetzet!” The women were happily surprised to hear about it and my friend gave them my contact information.

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