You are definitely facing a number of challenges, and these questions only begin to touch on them. Our hearts go out to you, and we are here to assist you in any way possible.
If you feel that performing bedikot will be particularly stressful for you, or if you have reason to believe that they will raise many halachic questions, then you are permitted to perform fewer bedikot this cycle.
Please note that, at minimum, you must perform a hefsek taharah and one bedikah each on days one and seven. We strongly recommend performing at least one more bedikah on one of the intermediate days.
Should any questions arise, please consult a halachic authority, as explained below, as soon as possible. In this situation, you might try to make another bedikah prior to sunset, to serve as a new hefsek taharah should one be necessary.
If you do have a questionable bedikah, we recommend that you call the halachic authority to whom you usually bring such questions to consult. (You could also contact a Yoetzet Halacha through Nishmat’s Golda Koschitzky hotline, or a local Yoetzet Halacha.) Explain that you cannot bring in the cloth because you are in quarantine, and give as many details about it as possible.
Another possibility is to seek to have it evaluated by a rabbi online through the Tahor App (available on iPhone and some models of Android phones), which uses special color calibration technology to ensure that the stain is photographed and transmitted accurately.